Fen the Fortunate.

❝ for fate & fortune favor the fool. ❞

❝ she was a sun-kissed woman with a shady past and a not-so-bright future. ❞

Something about Fen the Fortunate greets others like the invitingly warm and sincere embrace from a lifelong friend.Mayhaps it is her come-what-may composure: a fluid and airy poise, breezy, like a coveted breeze in the dogged Thanalan summer.Some would impute it to her looks. Fen is a fetching creature, after all, with a winsome face like painted glass. Her elegantly disheveled appearance oft contrasts delightfully against a feminine, curvaceous physique and lends further to her wild charms. An eye-catching beauty, yet mercifully unintimidating.Or it could be the way she often heeds everyone — no matter their race, nationality, or allegiance — as welcome company. Armed with a captivating appearance and a honey-sweet tongue, she flirts and flatters anyone who seems like a potentially advantageous connection future friend.Though her impression is of a charming, playful, and unpretentious woman, soon one assuredly finds that Fen isn't afraid to be mouthy either. And as one may find that her affable airs are not entirely without fatigue, it would be most unwise to mistake her carefree nature for carelessness as well.

It is said, after all, that a gentle person is simply a patient wolf. And with a wolfish grin like hers, it's little wonder if her bite matches her bark.

NamesW'fenia Rheka Fen. Fen "the Fortunate". "Feral" Fen.
RaceMiqo'te. Seeker.
AgeEarly to mid-twenties.
Notable FeaturesScarred face. Full-body freckles. Wild hair. Sharp eyes. Warm, incessant smile.
Sexual OrientationPresumably anything with a pulse.
Marital StatusFuck around and find out.
ResidenceUl'dah. Thanalan.
Patron DeityNymeia, the Spinner.
OccupationRatcatcher, mercenary, rumor-monger, happy homemaker — it simply depends on who is asking.
Positive TraitsExtroverted. Level-headed. Humble. Empathetic. Highly investigative. Ranged crack-shot.
Negative TraitsHabitual liar. Facetious. Struggles with authenticity. Hypocritical. Self-serving. Poor leadership skills.

❝ if i'm the poison, are you the remedy? ❞

✦ scarred face
(very common): It's a shame to see such natural beauty marred by a horrific blemish. No doubt there is quite a story behind it.
✦ pickpocket's possible boon
(very common): Laden in jewelry — necklaces, rings, bangles of precious copper, silver, gold, gems winking in the sunlight — Fen may look like a prime mark for a sticky-fingered passerby.
✦ devout to the faith
(very common): Despite her less-than-righteous reputation Fen is a religious woman, follows the Twelve ardently, and notably focuses her devotion to Nymeia, the Spinner. Her interpretations of the faith however may be at times considered unorthodox, and she does not shy away from debating them with others.
✦ ratty comrade
(very common): Yes, that is a rat on her shoulder: a very friendly, well-trained familiar and strange companionship for someone who exterminates vermin for a living. One may try to pet the rodent, if they were so inclined. He doesn't bite. Fen, on the other hand...

✦ ratcatcher
(common): Fen is a vermin exterminator for hire, both in the literal and... metaphorical sense.
✦ silver-tongued socialite
(common): Fen is a native Ul'dahn who is established amongst common folk and noble-born alike, and it's her intention to beguile her way further into as many social circles as possible. After years of becoming acquainted with a wide variety of people, she has built a network of countless sources, consisting of everyday individuals and organizations alike, that can provide a reasonable assortment of aid. You might not know Fen yet but chances are she already knows you — or someone of interest to you. And where her own knowledge falters, her self-made intelligence empire atones.
✦ a woman of easy virtue
(somewhat common): Fen is no stranger to the Ul'dah's notorious wanton nightlife. She confesses openly that a vast majority of her years were in fact spent consumed in its intoxicating allure and that she has entertained many patrons as a courtesan herself. Dance. Music. Sex. There is no shame in her voice when she speaks of it; perhaps only a hint of hollowness.
✦ wanted
(somewhat uncommon): Fen the Fortunate is hardly ever on alert — unusual for someone toting any bounty of coin on their head. Yet others may recognize her visage as somewhat similar to the one glaring so venomously from old, withering wanted posters about Ul'dah. Reclusiveness doesn't suit Fen very well, even in the face of repercussions. She instead has built rapport between herself, the Ul'dahn people, fellow criminals, and persuadable lawmen alike. A network of relationships built on favors, bribes, coercion, and respect ensures there's always someone and somewhere Fen can turn to for aid, and that her life can remain blissfully uninterrupted by wannabe heroes waving about their swords and self-righteous morals.

✦ last of the alacran
(somewhat rare): Under service to the Alacran, a criminal organization that once held the Jewel of the Desert and its people in a vice-like grip before its fateful demise to the Warrior of Light, and its leader, the disgraced gladiator of the Coliseum, Leavold, Fen was charged with care of 'business relations' as well gathering any and all intelligence that would serve the Alacran's goals further. It has been whispered that not all of her methods were once as agreeable as they would be described now. Rather, she was more inquisitor than mere rumor-monger, prying knowledge from her victims far more literally than not.
✦ the worst of the worst
(rare): It is known that Fen associates with a vast myriad of people from an array of backgrounds and occupations. A few folks whisper under their breath, too, that she mingles and sometimes even works with the 'unforgivable' sorts — most notably and reprehensibly: slavers.
✦ unfortunate beginnings
(rare): The rumors are scarce, thanks to the passage of time, but somewhere one might hear amongst those that frequented the Rows, Ul'dah's red light district, decades ago that Fen looks an awful lot like the shy, quiet child seen oft lingering in the shadows of an Ul'dahn brothel, sometimes clinging to the skirts of a courtesan bound to it in indentured servitude.

Note: You are free to use any hooks you feel fit without OOC permission. Unless your idea is to kill my character, don't worry about discussing matters with me OOC beforehand. Surprise me! Have at 'er. :)

❝ now, as i lay me down to sleep,
i expect no dreams and no sweet goodbye to me. ❞

❝ Hey, I'm Rinn & I like my RP like I like my IRL relationships: long-term commitments with lots of character development, slowburns, and
a teensy-weensy bit of degeneracy.

✓ Slice of Life / Lighthearted themes.
✓ Adventuring & Combat.
✓ Guild / FC roleplay.
✓ NSFW / Dark / Mature themes.
✓ ERP with purpose (f-list can be found here).
✗ (Most) void roleplay. Just not my thing, tbh.
✗ Warrior of Light characters.
✗ Characters from the First.
✗ Underage players. (Child characters are fine, just no ERP!)

I am lore-abiding. For example, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, I'm not roleplaying with a character ICly wearing Fall Guys glamour. And there are a lot of you, I have seen you out in the wilds LOL I like playing with the lore given and perhaps bending it a smidgen if it makes sense for the character/story. Anything beyond that, I'm personally not very interested in playing around with. I prefer dark/mature themes, but I do love drama, combat, & adventure. When I am roleplaying themes with sensitive subject matters (i.e., Fen's full backstory), I do try my best to handle them in a respectful manner. Communication is always key. I will not take anything personally if you tell me something makes you uncomfortable or that you're not having fun. Please. I'm 21+ OOC and only RP with others 18+ OOC. Given Fen's history, I hope this is understandable. I am willing to swap Mare codes so our characters can be experienced to their fullest potential!You can reach me out-of-game on Discord @ o.rinn !

❝ i'm not a real person, just the shit you can't make up. ❞